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Archived Newsletters
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Mercer County Aktion Club
Newsletter - March 8, 2011
President Cindy May called the meeting to order. The club members said the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. Guests were introduced and happy/sad dollars collected.
The members were reminded to the pizza sales are due by March 23th with a pick-up date of April 2nd at Cheryl Ann from 9 AM until noon.
The Pennies for Patients collection boxes were returned. The final count is pending but, according to Mauri Cron of the Coldwater Kiwanis club, it will be huge.
The Aktion club will participate in the Pancake Breakfast on March 13th. This is being held at the Coldwater High School and sponsored by the Kiwanis Club of Coldwater.
The Aktion club will participate in the Pancake Breakfast on March 13th. This is being held at the Coldwater High School and sponsored by the Kiwanis Club of Coldwater.
The speaker for today was Hans Rehrmann who spoke about his upcoming bicycle tour in Europe. Hans will maintain a journal on the web and will announce when it becomes available.
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The next regular meeting of the Mercer County Aktion Club will be at 6 pm on April 12th, 2011 at the Briarwood Manor in