Wednesday, February 9, 2011

February 2011

Return to Aktion Newsletter

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Mercer County Aktion Club
Newsletter - February 8, 2011

President Kelly Reigelsperger called the meeting to order. The club members said the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. Guests were introduced and happy/sad dollars collected.

The members were reminded to the pizza sales are due by March 8th with a pick-up date of April 2nd at Cheryl Ann from 9 AM until noon.

The Pennies for Patients drive was discussed and collection boxes handed out.

The speaker for today was Karla Kessler who spoke on behalf of the R.A.F.T. program. The RAFT Program is a part of Our Home Family resource center.

Karla Kessler

President Kelly Reigelsperger thanked all of the outgoing officers.

The incoming president, Cindy May, presented outgoing president, Kelly Reigesperger, with a plaque of appreciation. 

Well done Kelly!

Kelly Reigelsperger

Kiwanis Club of Celina President Larry Goins performed the installation of officers including the new Board of Directors.

 President Cindy May

 Vice President Meredith Brunswick

 Club Secretary Amy Morrissey

 Club Treasurer George Kornegor

The new officers

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The next regular meeting of the Mercer County Aktion Club will be at 6 pm on March 9th, 2011 at the Briarwood Manor in 