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The Coldwater Key Club plans on a "Powder Puff Football Game" at the Coldwater Cavaliers Football Stadium starting at 2 PM on April 11th. The Aktion Club has been invited to sell tickets for a 50/50 drawing with all proceeds going to the Aktion Club.
Items in the planning stage by the Aktion Club Board of Directors are:
- a Pizza, Sub, and Burrito fundraiser in April
- a "Lost Weekend Boat Cruise" on Grand Lake on 2 July
- an ongoing non-perishable food and supplies drive for the food pantry.
The Coldwater Kiwanis Club holds its annual Pancake Breakfast this coming Sunday, 14 March, at the Coldwater High School cafeteria from 7:30 AM until 1:30 PM.
Kelly Reigelsperger handed out an Aktion Club Survey to solicit input from the club members on how to improve the club.
Click on the survey to view a larger image.
The speaker was Linda Thieman of St. Henry. Linda gave a fantastic, motivational speech detailing her life as one of 15 siblings growing up during the depression, becoming a schoolbus driver, ambulance driver, and especially her 30 years as youth leader. She want on to describe how she met Mother Teresa in Haiti, and her 6 trips to the annual World Youth Days.
Click on the picture to view a larger image.