Friday, December 10, 2010

December 2010

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Note: Click on any picture to see a larger image.

Mercer County Aktion Club

On Tuesday, December 14th, the Aktion club gathered at the Pla-Mor bowling alley in Coldwater for their annual evening of food, bowling and gift exchange.  This was in lieu of their regular meeting. A good time was had by all.
To see the individual pictures click here.

The next regular meeting of the Mercer County Aktion Club will be at 6 pm on January 11th, 2011 at the Briarwood Manor in Coldwater.

Celina Kiwanis Club President Larry Goins will be installing the new officers at this meeting.


Wednesday, November 10, 2010

November 2010

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Tuesday, November 9th, 2010.

Two new Aktion Club members received their pins.

 Aktion Club treasurer, George Kornegor pinned Roseann Heckler.

Aktion Club Secretary Cindy May pinned Katie Homan.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

August 2010

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Upcoming Events

Aktion Club Picnic 
Coldwater Park
Sunday August 22

Aktion Club Convention
  Saturday 28 August 2010

Mercer County Aktion Club Dance

Sunday, September 18, 2011
Coldwater American Legion
601 N. Second St.
Coldwater, OH 45828


Minutes from meeting on July 13th 2010
Meeting was called to order by President Kelly Reigelsperger Cindy May read the Reflection
Minutes were approved by 1 st Judy Morrissey and 2nd Amy Morrissey
Amy Morrissey gave the recap of the board meeting
Guests: Susan Merlin - Celina Kiwanis
Elaine Brunswick - Coldwater Kiwanis
Roger and Carol Ranly from R&R Fabrications were our speakers
Dance July 18th 2-6 Coldwater Legion (bring canned food)
Sign up for Lake Festival Ice Sales
Aktion Club Picnic August 22nd @ Coldwater Park
Aktion Club Convention August 28th deadline to sign up is August 15th
Pie sales will discussed closer to date of sales
Meetings will be held at Briarwood Village
Adjournment 1 st Jim Norris 2nd Mark Lange
Chris Dean is back yeah!


Pat Howard, the bookstore manager at Wright State Lake Campus, was the featured speaker. 

Pat spoke about her life that had dealt some severe blows to her. As a senior in High School she had an accident that severely injured her left knee. It was so bad that the doctor told he she had the knee of an 80 year old. 

A few years later in Columbus, Ohio, while removing the spare tire from the trunk of her car in preparation to change a flat tire, her car was rear-ended sending her into the air. As a result she had a severely fractured pelvis, and lost her right arm and leg.

In spite of these injuries, which would have left many a person in a perpetual state of depression, she took it all in stride. She got married and reared a daughter.

She is an inspiration to all of us.


Thursday, June 10, 2010

June 2010

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Double-click on images to see an enlarged version.


The speaker for tonight was Mitchell Franzer, accompanied by his mother. Mitchell, who is now 12 years of age, was born with a condition called Spina bifida. He is an "All Star Ambassador" for the Dayton Children's Medical Center. As a child, Mitchell was told that he would never be able to walk, crawl or climb. After therapy and exercises to gain strength in his muscles, he took his first steps when he was 16 months old. According to Dr. Nguyen, Mitchell has had many major operations, yet has maintained a positive outlook on life. Mitchell loves playing baseball, soccer and football. He also enjoys working on the family farm, SpongeBob SquarePants and the Cleveland Cavaliers. He has appeared on Dayton television, in newspapers and helped with fundraisers. When asked what he would like to do when he grows up he said: become a farmer.

Mitchell Franzer.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

April 2010

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Upcoming Events 

Pizza Sale
Pick up your order on
May 1st
from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm
at Cheryl Ann on Mud Pike. 

Club President Kelly Reigelsperger issued the call to order. All members and guest said the pledge of allegiance. Guest were introduced. Cindy May gave the moment of reflection. Last meeting's minutes were approved. Amy Morrissey gave a recap of the last Board Meeting. Happy/sad dollars were collected.

The upcoming pizza and sub sale fundraiser was discussed. President Reigelsperger stressed the importance of filling out and turning in of  the club survey.

The club netted $73.00 from the 50/50 drawing that was held at the Powder Puff football game in Coldwater.
Hans Rehrmann, from the Celina Kiwanis club, presented two $125.00 checks, from the Celina and Coldwater Kiwanis clubs respectively, to help defray the tax obligation of the Aktion club.


The guest speaker, the Mercer County Eagle Monitor, was introduced by President Reigelsperger.

   The bald eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus), our national bird, is the only eagle unique to North America. The bald eagle's scientific name signifies a sea (halo) eagle (aeetos) with a white (leukos) head. At one time, the word "bald" meant "white," not hairless. Bald eagles are found throughout most of North America, from Alaska and Canada to northern Mexico. About half of the world's 70,000 bald eagles live in Alaska. Combined with British Columbia's population of about 20,000, the northwest coast of North America is by far their greatest stronghold for bald eagles. They flourish here in part because of the salmon. Dead or dying fish are an important food source for all bald eagles.
   Eagles are a member of the Accipitridae family; which also includes hawks, kites, and old-world vultures.
   Scientists loosely divide eagles into four groups based on their physical characteristics and behavior. The bald eagle is a sea or fish eagle.

The Bald Eagle is protected under the The Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act.
The Eagle Act (16 U.S.C. 668-668c), enacted in 1940, and amended several times since then, prohibits anyone, without a permit issued by the Secretary of the Interior, from“taking” bald eagles, including their parts, nests, or eggs. The Act provides criminal and civil penalties for persons who “take, possess, sell, purchase, barter, offer to sell, purchase or barter, transport, export or import, at any time or any manner, any bald eagle ... [or any golden eagle], alive or dead, or any part, nest, or egg thereof.” The Act defines“take” as “pursue, shoot, shoot at, poison, wound, kill, capture, trap, collect, molest or disturb.” “Disturb’’ means:

"Disturb means to agitate or bother a bald or golden eagle to a degree that causes, or is likely to cause, based on the best scientific information available, 1) injury to an eagle, 2) a decrease in its productivity, by substantially interfering with normal breeding, feeding, or sheltering behavior, or 3) nest abandonment, by substantially interfering with normal breeding, feeding, or sheltering behavior."

In addition to immediate impacts, this definition also covers impacts that result from human-induced alterations initiated around a previously used nest site during a time when eagles are not present, if, upon the eagle's return, such alterations agitate or bother an eagle to a degree that injures an eagle or substantially interferes with normal breeding, feeding, or sheltering habits and causes, or is likely to cause, a loss of productivity or nest abandonment.

A violation of the Act can result in a criminal fine of $100,000 ($200,000 for organizations), imprisonment for one year, or both, for a first offense. Penalties increase substantially for additional offenses, and a second violation of this Act is a felony.

Demonstrating the wingspan of the Bald Eagle.

A facsimile of the Bald Eagle's skull is compared to that of a Red Hawk. 

Click here for more information of Bald Eagles in Ohio.


Wednesday, March 10, 2010

March 2010

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The Coldwater Key Club plans on a "Powder Puff Football Game" at the Coldwater Cavaliers Football Stadium starting at 2 PM on April 11th.  The Aktion Club has been invited to sell tickets for a 50/50 drawing with all proceeds going to the Aktion Club.

Items in the planning stage by the Aktion Club Board of Directors are:

  • a Pizza, Sub, and Burrito fundraiser in April
  • a "Lost  Weekend Boat Cruise" on Grand Lake on 2 July
  • an ongoing non-perishable food and supplies drive for the food pantry.
The cost for the boat ride will be $10 per person at the time of registration of which $5 will be refunded when the person actually participates in the ride. There won't be a refund for no-shows. A minimum of 25 persons must register.

The Coldwater Kiwanis Club holds its annual Pancake Breakfast this coming Sunday, 14 March, at the Coldwater High School cafeteria from 7:30 AM until 1:30 PM.

Kelly Reigelsperger handed out an Aktion Club Survey to solicit input from the club members on how to improve the club.

Click on the survey to view a larger image.

The speaker was Linda Thieman of St. Henry. Linda gave a fantastic, motivational speech detailing her life as one of 15 siblings growing up during the depression, becoming a schoolbus driver, ambulance driver, and especially her 30 years as youth leader. She want on to describe how she met Mother Teresa in Haiti, and her 6 trips to the annual World Youth Days.

Click on the picture to view a larger image.

 Here are the minutes of the January Meeting:

Click on the minutes to view a larger image.